~~A house built with love without condition for So Ji Sub.~~ ^^ I welcome all those who love him just like me ^^
Just Only One

>>So Ji Sub@birthday for Kiki's puppies
there will be a birthday celebration for Kiki's puppies (Coco, Coca, Kaka ^^) ※Date: May 18, 2011, from 2 pm for about 2 hours. ※Location: Cafe powoojeu http://cafe.naver.com/cafepawz ... ※3. Description: After cutting the cake with a photo time, Kiki will be on the OX quiz and will be having a good time.
51K wanted the other 51K/kiki klub puppies to gather untill deadline May 10th
more info :http://www.51k.co.kr/10fw/company/news_view.asp?BoardNo=62&page=1&keyword1&keyword2
~~Thanks Sarvin น้องสาวที่น่ารัก ^_~ LoVe U Dear :)
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