~~A house built with love without condition for So Ji Sub.~~ ^^ I welcome all those who love him just like me ^^
Just Only One

>>So Ji Sub with Taiwan MC 吳建恆(Ken Wu)
Jisub with Taiwan MC 吳建恆(Ken Wu), from a preview news about tonight's interview in "I love idols" (a show of MTV Taiwan). They talked about which part of his body he's most satisfied with, he said "I have single eyelids. A lot of people say they like my eyes, but I don't think they are the most satisfied part of mine, probably the most charming part." (FYI, Ken is born in 1970. He's a very famous VJ/MC. The news said he paid for his own ticket to fly to Hong Kong and attended Jisub's FM, and it's the first time in his life to be a celebrity chaser).
Credit : So Kingdom
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