Just Only One

Just Only One


>>So Ji Sub@ new movies." The Salary Man"

 So Ji-sub is a contract killer in "The Salary Man" new movies.

So Ji-sub is confirmed for cast in movie "The Salary Man" following the movie "Only You - Movie".

So Ji-sub signed to be on board with the movie last week. He works in a contract killing company, killing people with no guilt but meets a woman and becomes a target among his co-workers when he tries to leave the organization.

As soon as So Ji-sub is done filming the movie "Only You - Movie" on the 31st, he will start "The Salary Man".

"The Salary Man" is the best action movie incomparable to the movie last year, "The Stranger". So Ji-sub is a former boxer who fights for the woman he loves who can't see in the movie "Only You - Movie".

So Ji-sub will be showing the action and mellow act in a row with movies, "Only You - Movie" and "The Salary man".

