Just Only One

Just Only One


>>So Ji Sub@ New Movie

Mi Yeon Lee, SJS and 'businessman' to return to screen after four years

Mi Yeon Lee, according to officials making the last 24 days the last 'businessman' being offered the heroine role, said it was considering starring in a positive way.

Movie 'businessman' Hitman companies working in the murder of a woman in love with men jeojireudeon I quit trying to associate the contents of the target green action movie melodrama.

SJS earlier to cast this guy as a hero after Mi Yeon Lee worked in a factory and women raising children yeokeogal reverse degradation is expected to SJS and sad romance.

Mi Yeon Lee in the works for 2007 over the shoulder of the lovers' return to the screen after 4 years shows that film fans and their expectations are rising.

On the other hand, is put into production costs 40 eokwondae 'businessman' is ahead of the second half keuraengkeuin.
Google Translate.:http://news.nate.com/view/20110525n08690
