Just Only One

Just Only One


>>So Ji Sub @ DVD_2014 Let's Have Fun in Asia

ข่าวดีจร้า..พวกเราสั่งซื้อดีวีดีกันได้แล้วนะคะ ราคา 51000 วอน บวกค่าส่งเพิ่มอีก 20000 วอน แต่น่าเสียดายมากๆ ตรงที่ 1 ไอดีซื้อได้แค่ 2 ชุดเองค่ะ..แต่เราสามารถสั่งซื้อสินค้าอื่นๆเพิ่มได้อีกต่อการส่ง 1 ครั้ง สั่งได้ 10 รายการค่ะ

งานนี้น่าเสียดายแทนสำหรับสาวๆที่ไม่ได้เป็นสมาชิกของ 51K เพราะไม่สามารถสั่งซื้อดีวีดีได้ด้วยตัวเอง..ต้องฝากเพื่อนๆซื้อแทนนะคะ 

2014 아시아 투어 팬미팅 DVD
재질 : 
색상 : - ()
원산지 : Made in korea
DVD 상품은 주문 시 2개까지만 주문 가능합니다. 단, 중복 구매는 가능하오니 참고 부탁 드립니다. 2개 이상 주문 시 자동 주문 취소 되오니 이 점 유의하여 주시기를 부탁 드립니다. 

Please be informed that following : 
if you purchase 3 DVDs or more, the order will be automatically canceled. We only allow 2 DVDs for one ID.

한 아이디당 구매가능한 물품 개수는 각 제품별 10개까지이며,
해외 배송의 경우 지역 및 무게에 상관 없이EMS 배송료, 해외 결제 수수료, 미수수취시 반송료를 포함해
20,000원이 추가됩니다.

Please be advised that all members are limited to purchasing ten(10) items per ID. 

In addition, 
members who reside outside of Korea are required to pay an additional charge of 20,000 KRW 
for an EMS international shipping fee, return fee and international credit card transaction fee.

2014 Asia Tour Fan Meeting DVD
Color: (-)
Country of Origin: Made in korea
DVD products are available in only two when ordering. However, please note haohni can duplicate purchases. Two or more automatically cancel the order when you order. So, thank you to note this.

Please be informed that following:
if you purchase 3 DVDs or more, the order will be automatically canceled. We only allow 2 DVDs for one ID.

Available items per ID number is up to 10 for each product,
For international shipping, regardless of the location and weight EMS shipping, international settlement charges, including attempted receipt bansongryo
₩ 20,000 will be added.

Please be advised that all members are limited to purchasing ten (10) items per ID.

In addition,
members who reside outside of Korea are required to pay an additional charge of 20,000 KRW
for an EMS international shipping fee, return fee and international credit card transaction fee.

>> 51k

Credit : >>gall.dcinside
